If You Own a Service-Based Businesses and You're Ready to Take Your Marketing, Positioning, and Branding, and Sales to the Next Level...

Let's Get Together and Create a Marketing Breakthrough for Your Business in 30 Minutes or Less, Guaranteed

From The Desk of Colin Campbell
Founder, Formula Marketer
Montreal, Quebec

Dear friend,

Have you ever come across so-called experts in the marketing and sales industry making grand promises like this?

"It's an automated system that delivers leads and sales fast without any effort!"

Let's be real; most claims you see online from marketers are nothing more than empty promises.

Reality is...

Without knowing how YOUR marketing materials connect with your target audience, and without taking into account the specific data and insights about your brand, it's unlikely that a one-size-fits-all approach will yield the results you desire for your service-based business.

Effective lead-generation and sales systems demand a deep understanding of your service business, its distinctive strengths and challenges, your audience's preferences, and the intricacies of your data.

That's Why...

I'm here to dive deep into the core of YOUR business's key aspects and provide you with personalized, actionable advice to make it more successful and manageable... for FREE.

Why am I offering this for free?

It's straightforward: a portion of the businesses I help during this process may choose to engage my services to take things further.

Instead of trying to convince you of the potential value, I prefer to demonstrate it by genuinely assisting you first – at no cost.

Here's What You Should Do Now

First, schedule a complimentary consultation with me.

If you find value in this initial consultation and wish to explore further collaboration, we can discuss how my services can benefit your business after our conversation.

The process is simple...

On the next page, you'll complete a brief questionnaire. This provides me with information about your business, your goals, your specific situation, and more, allowing me to prepare for our consultation.

Immediately after submitting the application, you can select a suitable time on my calendar.

Ideally, aim to schedule it within the next day or two.

Also, rest assured that you'll be speaking directly with me – no pushy salespeople, no negative stereotypes. It'll be just you and me, engaging in a relaxed conversation via Zoom or phone.

My entire focus is on YOU, providing you with the best possible plan for your business, free of charge, and allowing the experience to speak for itself.

Now, in case you're wondering...

Here's The Big "Catch"

It's straightforward.

I'm not available to speak with just anyone.

To invest my time, energy, and expertise in crafting a customized plan for your business, you must meet specific criteria.

The criteria is fair:

ONE: This is suitable for service-based business owners who are actively building their companies.

TWO: You're not in a fly-by-night get-rich-quick scheme or other sketchy venture.

THREE: You're open to strategic advice and are willing to implement useful strategies, provided they're proven, based on real case-studies and logic.

If you're not actively involved, not interested in growing your company, or just dabbling – please refrain from scheduling this consultation.


If your only intention is to extract information without considering a potential business relationship, or if you intend to waste my time – once again, please abstain from scheduling.

Does That Sound Reasonable?

If these conditions seem reasonable to you and you meet the criteria I've outlined – fantastic!

I look forward to our conversation.

One thing to remember...

I will schedule this consultation ONE TIME.

In other words, if I show up at our agreed-upon meeting time, and you're not there...

... You're costing me valuable time.

And nothing is more valuable to me than my time.

I won't entertain another call under any circumstances.

So, please be respectful, as I will be to you.

If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from attending, I understand. But kindly provide adequate notice, cancel, or reschedule.

If you simply don't show up, you're depriving someone else of the opportunity to take your place.

Does that sound fair?

If so...


Click the button above and get started right away.

If it turns out that I can't assist you, I won't waste your time with the consultation. Instead, I'll send you some valuable resources and gifts that you can immediately benefit from.

But if I believe I can help your business, we'll meet at the scheduled time.

I guarantee that the time spent will be worthwhile.

I eagerly anticipate our conversation.


Colin Campbell

CEO, Formula Marketer

P.S. Please note that this offer is highly LIMITED due to my time, resources, and session capacity. If you're ready to get started, act NOW.

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